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See the main "Download Free Booklets" page for a full list of the available studies.

The following items are the same Bible Study booklets as in the third Collection, but priced with No Postage. These prices (all in NZ$) apply only in New Zealand. The prices under each item in this collection are the prices for extra booklets you wish to include with an individual booklet ordered from the Booklets Posted in NZ 3rd Collection.  Scroll down and after study 10, select "Load More" for studies 11 to 20, and select "Load More" again to see further studies. Select an extra study and from the "View Cart" page, to select more studies, click "Continue Shopping" and then select this 4th Collection of studies again.  Multiple booklets up to a maximum of 120 pages can be sent in the same envelope.


These "Extra" booklets do not include postage and so are cheaper than those in the 3rd Collection.

After making a purchase from this 4th Collection when you click "View Cart", under "Shipping" select "No Delivery Charge." You will see a "Check out with PayPal" button and a grey "Checkout" button. The PayPal button takes you to the PayPal site to complete your purchase, but the "Checkout" button gives you three payment options. You can select to pay by "Credit/debit card", by "PayPal", or by "Manual Payment." The latter option enables you to pay directly into my NZ bank account. 

For posted booklet orders of more than 120 pages in total, a second envelope and postage will be required. Please select another individual booklet from the 3rd Collection, and then the extra booklets from this 4th Collection.  To make a donation please refer to bottom of Home page.

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